Plan your 2025 summer or semester abroad!

New Application Cycle open from August 1 until October 1

 Apply through the UTSA Scholarship Hub

The Honors College wants to see you study abroad this year and next! For Spring 2025, Summer 2025 and Fall 2025, we are providing up to $60,000 in scholarships for students who want to attend programs to study, intern, or do community projects around the world. This scholarship program is specifically designed for you to pick your program early so that you can meet all of the due dates and maximize potential scholarship opportunities.

The Honors Study Abroad Scholarship will provide students with:

  • Up to $1000 scholarship for 1- to 3-week programs
  • Up to $2000 scholarship for 3-week or longer programs
  • Up to $2500 scholarship for programs that have students do idendepent research or an internship for academic credit

Honors College scholarship funds will be dispersed in the semester of travel. Scholarships cannot be awarded beyond a student’s cost of attendance, which includes program fees, tuition, airfare, and living expenses.

In order to receive Honors College funding, students must also apply to the UTSA International Education Fund, which also provides additional funding. These two applications are very similar and applying to both will not require too much additional time.

Further Incentives

Students who also apply for one of the opportunities below will also receive additional funding from the Honors College. Students must apply to one of the following:

You don’t need to win one of these awards to receive extra scholarship funds from the Honors College. Simply apply. Students must coordinate scholarship submission and receive advising before submission through The UTSA Office of Nationally Competitive Awards. We have designed the Honors scholarship essay questions to be very similar to these other awards. We highly encourage students to apply to the Gilman Scholarship. Students can apply to Gilman up to one year in advance of their program and can apply up to two times to the award if they submit early (Apply in October for Spring, Summer, and Fall programs; Apply in March for Summer, Fall and Spring programs of the following year).

Picking a Program

In order to apply for the scholarship and further incentives, you need to have picked a program. Its ok if you are applying to the study abroad itself program later. Students are encouraged to use this opportunity to diversify their course of study beyond your major. You are not required to study abroad in the field of your major. Study abroad would be a fantastic opportunity to add a minor in languages or explore new fields in humanities and social sciences to complement science and business degrees. In your application, you will be writing about your program choice and how it will help you grow.

Listed below are some programs across disciplines that we think will be super impactful to build your resume, however, if you want to pick your own program, you are still be eligible to apply. Featured programs include research, internship, and service opportunities:

Short-term Programs

  • Honors College Study Abroad Program - Japan
  • Honors College Costa Program already has scholarships applied, but students are encouraged to apply to International Education Fund and Gilman, which can pay for tuition, remaining program fee, and other travel expenses.

Semester Programs

Summer Programs


  • Students must be a member in the Honors College.
  • Final scholarship amounts cannot exceed the overall cost of attendance + travel.
  • Students must be in an academic study abroad, internship, service learning, or research program. Program must be credit bearing, either by transfer or course offered by UTSA.* Independent travel outside of a structured program is not eligible.
  • Scholarship awardees must comply with all requirements, regulations, and policies established by UTSA Education Abroad.
  • Students can be in any year, from their first year to the year they graduate.
  • Must have 2.5 GPA, as required by UTSA Education Abroad, or higher, depending on program.
  • Students must apply to the UTSA International Education Fund (, which provides additional funding. 
  • Upon acceptance to the study abroad program, students must submit all required paperwork to the Study Abroad Office, including the Study Abroad Financial Aid Request form.
  • Student must attend the program to have the scholarship disburse or attend similar program in the case of cancellation.
  • This award cannot be applied to students from the Top Scholar Program or Terry Scholar Program, which already provides international enrichment funding. Terry Scholar attending more than one study abroad programs may be eligible for this funding.

*Course Credit: Students who need to earn university credit for Internship, Service Learning, or other programs that do not issue credit may sign up for HON3401. Honors Cultural Exploration. (1-0) 1 Credit Hour. (Approximately $660 for tuition and fees). This 1 credit course will feature a series of short reflections that students will write prior to, during, and following return.

Application Process

In order to apply for the Honors College Study Abroad Scholarship, students must have picked a study abroad program. The student does not need to have applied yet to the program.

Students must submit:

  • Scholarship Hub application
  • A statement of purpose (1-2 pages). In your essay, be specific in describing your reasons for studying abroad as it pertains to your specific study abroad program. Our application question is directly taken from the Gilman Scholarship for study abroad. Further advice on writing your essay can be found here:
  • Budget information about your program.

Please address ALL of the questions below, in no particular order:

  • How will studying or interning abroad help you achieve your future academic or professional goals?
  • Why did you select your specific program and host country?
  • How are you academically prepared to be a successful scholar abroad? If you have faced significant academic difficulties, tell us about those and how you are overcoming them.
  • What examples of knowledge, skills, and experiences will you draw on to meet the challenges of going abroad?

The Honors Study Abroad Scholarship Application opens on December 15 and closes on February 15. Note that further incentive programs may have different deadlines.

For questions, please visit the Experiential Learning Lab or contact and academic counselor. For assistance with external scholarship applications (Ex. Gilman Scholarship), please contact

UTSA Honors College graphic

Opportunities within the Honors College

The Honors College offers students the opportunity to participate in a number of different programs to further expand knowledge, especially in the realms of professional development, leadership development, and public service. Special programs are fully integrated into the Honors College curriculum, making credit transfer simple and ensuring that students are working toward Honors requirements.