International Peace Leadership Academy, Ballycastle, Northern Ireland


Nurturing Hope Summer Learning Journey, July 2025



Are you someone who believes in peace? Do you enjoy working with people of different beliefs to create a better world for all?

UTSA will select and fund 3-4 students to attend the 10 days Nurturing Hope program in Ballycastle, Northern Ireland, in partnership with the Rotary San Antonio Club.

The Summer Learning Journey will focus on how trust and hope can be nurtured and sustained in personal, community, and political life; consider what practices might support reconciliation and restoring relationships; and contribute to an intergenerational and intercultural global community of practice committed to building cross-tradition and trans-local relationships in conflicted societies. You will learn alongside local participants completing the Seeds of Hope year-long program; young adult leaders from across the globe; and adults involved in parallel organizations from across the globe.

Dates: July 14 – 24, 2025

  • July 14: depart to Northern Ireland
  • July 15: arrive
  • July 15-20: International Peace Leadership Academy
  • July 20-24: Guided travel and activities through Northern Ireland and Ireland
  • July 24: depart to the United States

Cost per student: all costs covered by UTSA. 4,000 USD, includes transportation, programming, and in-country travel


  • Current UTSA undergraduate or graduate student in Summer 2025 (if undergraduate, you do not need to be an Honors College student to apply!)
  • Minimum cumulative UTSA GPA: 2.5
  • Demonstrated involvement in community, outreach, or otherwise educational activities to reduce conflict, promote understanding across difference, and encourage an environment of positive peace.
  • Commitment to share what you learn with others when you return.

*Domestic students must have a valid U.S. passport at time of travel (see for processing times). International students must have appropriate visa, if needed, by time of travel (see for more information).


  • 1000 word essay describing:
  1.  your experience in community, outreach, or otherwise educational activities to reduce conflict, promote understanding across difference, and encourage an environment of positive peace;
  2. the benefit of your participation in the Nurturing Hope program with respect to your civic, intellectual, professional, or personal goals;
  3. how you plan to share your experience at Corrymeela with others on your campus and local community when you return, and
  4. the name and contact information of a person who can speak to your efforts to reduce conflict, promote understanding, and encourage positive peace.
  •  UTSA unofficial transcript
  • Send the essay and unofficial transcript as attachments in one email to by 5 PM on Wednesday, March 5, 2025. The email title should be “application for International Peace Leadership Academy” No late submissions accepted.

Students who are accepted are required to present at the Honors Experiential Learning Fair and to represent the program at campus and community events the following academic year. Participants are encouraged to plan a service event to share the Corrymeela Nurturing Hope curriculum with other students.


  • March 5: applications due
  • March 5-15: Stage 1 application review
  • March 17-26: Stage 2 interviews
  • April 1: students notified
  • April 15: student acceptance deadline