REU is an acronym for Research Experience for Undergraduates. These programs are funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and take place over the summer across universities campuses in the US. Some even are hosted by universities abroad. You may see similar programs listed under the acronyms such as SURF: Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship.  REUs are currently available in the following STEM fields and select social science (ex. anthropology, linguistics):

  • Astronomical Sciences
  • Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences
  • Biological Sciences
  • Chemistry
  • Computer and Information Science and Engineering
  • Cyberinfrastructure
  • Department of Defense (DoD)
  • Earth Sciences
  • Engineering
  • Ethics and Values Studies
  • International Science and Engineering
  • Materials Research
  • Mathematical Sciences
  • Ocean Sciences
  • Physics
  • Polar Programs
  • Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR)
  • Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences
  • STEM Education

Most REUs fund students with stipends of $4000-$6000, plus travel and housing expenses, to carry out a research project under the mentorship of a faculty member.  REUs fulfil multiple goals: 1) For universities, they help recruit students to later apply as graduate students. 2) For students, they increase access to research opportunities, as a student’s home university may not have a particular research field available. 3) Many REUs help broaden the participation of students from underrepresented backgrounds.  

Students can apply to REUs starting in their first year and some allow you to apply as a senior and attend post-graduation. Some REUs allow you to apply without research experience. REUs require short applications that have students address their interest in the project, their academic background, and how the REU will impact their future goals. Most REUs require two recommendations, preferably from faculty with a STEM background.

Visit the NSF site to search program

 See our guide on how to apply to an REU

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Opportunities within the Honors College

The Honors College offers students the opportunity to participate in a number of different programs to further expand knowledge, especially in the realms of professional development, leadership development, and public service. Special programs are fully integrated into the Honors College curriculum, making credit transfer simple and ensuring that students are working toward Honors requirements.