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Featured Award: Fulbright Student program

Fulbright funds 2000+ students each year to study in graduate programs, do research, or teach English abroad in any of 140+ countries.

All awards listed on this page are funded by organizations outside of UTSA. While, ONCA advises students to apply to these awards, award criteria and decisions on participant selection are determined solely by the organization.

Featured Awards for Graduate Study

The awards listed below represent excellent opportunities to fund graduate school, whether that be at UTSA, in the United States, or abroad. Opportunities with an asterisk (*) are featured awards that align well with UTSA's strength as a research institution, the academic disciplines and courses that UTSA offers, and the backgrounds of UTSA's student population.

  • Churchill Scholarship  

     The Churchill Scholarship is a prestigious award that funds one year of Master’s study at Cambridge Univeristy in the United Kingdom. Up to 18 awards are made nationwide. The total value is around $75,000. Students must apply to the award with a nomination by UTSA.

  • Clarke Diplomatic Security Fellowship  

    Funded by the U.S. Department of State, the Clarke DS Fellowship is a two-year graduate fellowship program designed for individuals who want to pursue a master’s degree and a career as a Diplomatic Security Service (DSS) Special Agent in the Foreign Service. DSS Special Agents are sworn federal law enforcement officers.

    *Department of Defense SMART Scholarship   The SMART award aims to create a STEM workforce that competes with dynamic trends and innovation in the interest of national security. This award can be used to fund undergraduate or graduate education, and also places students in summer internships.  About 500 students each year are awarded full tuition AND a $30,000-$46,000 stipend.
  • Foreign Agricultural International Fellowship   The USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) is now seeking applicants for the 2024 FAS International Agricultural Fellowship Program (IAFP). The IAFP encourages the application of individuals interested in promoting U.S. agriculture in foreign markets and advancing international food security through careers as Foreign Service Officers in the Foreign Agricultural Service. 
  • *Foreign Affairs Information Technology Fellowship   This two-year need- and merit-based fellowship program, administered in cooperation with The Washington Center for Internships and Academic Seminars (TWC), is intended for talented students in IT-related degree programs who are also interested in global affairs. The award provides up to $37,500 in tuition and provides internship placement in the US and overseas.
  • *Fulbright Student Program   Awards to enroll in a one-year Master's degree program, do research, or teach English abroad in any of 140+ countries.
  • Gates Cambridge Scholarship   Awards to study in graduate programs at University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom. Graduate students are especially encouraged to apply, as 2/3 of awards are for study at the PhD level.
  • *GEM Fellowship - MA/PhD Science and Engineering   Supports underrepresented minority students who will pursue Master's or Doctoral degrees in STEM fields. May be used at any participating GEM Member University where the GEM Fellow is admitted.
  • Knight-Hennessy Scholar Program   A cohort scholar program that gives funding for graduate and professional degrees at Stanford University. Open to international students.
  • Marshall Scholarship   Awards to spend 1-2 years at select universities in the United Kingdom, enrolling in Master's degree programs. Up to 50 Marshall Scholars are named each year.
  • *National Defense Science + Engineering Graduate Fellowship (NDSEG)   Supports applicants to doctoral programs who are interested in furthering their education in the disciplines of military importance compete for Fellowship opportunities listed under DoD’s Broad Agency Announcements (BAAs) in research development.
  • The National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Graduate Fellowship Program (NGFP)
  • The National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Graduate Fellowship Program (NGFP) identifies and develops the next generation of exceptional national security leaders to achieve the NNSA mission of strengthening nuclear security.
  • The National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (NSF GRFP)
  • The National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship provides students entering graduate programs / in their first or second year of graduate school with three years of graduate tuition and stipends totalling over $159,000.
  • Phi Kappa Phi Fellowship   The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi currently awards 54 Fellowships of $8,500 each, six at $20,000 each, and two at $35,000 each to members entering the first year of graduate or professional study. Each active Phi Kappa Phi chapter may select one candidate from among its local applicants to compete for the Society-wide awards.
  • Rhodes Scholarship   Awards to study for postgraduate degrees at Oxford University in the United Kingdom. 32 Rhodes Scholars from the US are named each year, with 2 Scholars from Texas' district. International students may be able to apply from their home country as well.
  • Rotary Global Education Grants  Sponsored by clubs within Rotary International's South Central Texas District, Rotary Global Education Grants fund master's degrees abroad. Grants start at $30,000 and cover tuition, room & board, and various other study abroad expenses. 
  • Rangel Fellowship   Pickering Fellowship   Payne Fellowship   Awards support two years of funding in Master's Degree programs in International Affairs, International Development, or related degrees. Upon graduation, students will be placed in jobs at the US Department of State or USAID.

Awards for Employment Following Graduation

  • City Year Americorps   City Year AmeriCorps members spend 11 months serving hands-on with students, supporting them in and outside of the classroom. Corps members receive compensation and benefits, leadership and professional development training, post-service educational awards, and more.
  • *Fulbright English Teaching Assistant Program   Awards to enroll in a one-year Master's degree program, do research, or teach English abroad in any of 140+ countries.
  • Teaching Assistantship Program in France  Awards to spend the academic year after graduation teaching English in France.
  • Princeton in Asia Fellowship PiA fosters mutual appreciation and cross-cultural understanding between the United States and Asia through immersive 1-2 year work fellowships in host organizations and communities.
  • Venture for America   A two-year fellowship for recent graduates to pursue paid work at start-ups/early-stage companies. Fellows attend a five-week training camp, apply for jobs within a vetted company network, and work for two years as full-time, salaried employees in one of 13 cities.
  • *Department of Defense SMART Scholarship   The SMART award aims to create a STEM workforce that competes with dynamic trends and innovation in the interest of national security. This award can be used to fund undergraduate or graduate education, and also places students in summer internships.  About 500 students each year are awarded full tuition AND a $30,000-$46,000 stipend.

Featured Awards for Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors

  • Amgen Scholars  
  • Science and Biotechnology Summer Research Program for Undergraduates. Students are hosted at one of 13 institutions in the United States. Amgen Scholars study any disciplines related to the discovery, development, manufacture, and delivery of human therapeutics, as well as the overall biomedical and biotechnology enterprise.
  • Charles B. Rangel International Affairs Summer Enrichment Program  
  • A six-week summer program intended to provide undergraduates with a deep appreciation for current issues and trends in international affairs, a greater understanding of career opportunities in international affairs, and the knowledge and skills to attain those careers.
  • *Department of Defense SMART Scholarship   The SMART award aims to create a STEM workforce that competes with dynamic trends and innovation in the interest of national security. This award can be used to fund undergraduate or graduate education, and also places students in summer internships.  About 500 students each year are awarded full tuition AND a $30,000-$46,000 stipend. Students can apply either as undergrads or graduate students. 
  • *Foreign Affairs Information Technology Fellowship  
This two-year need- and merit-based fellowship program, administered in cooperation with The Washington Center for Internships and Academic Seminars (TWC), is intended for talented students in an IT-related degree programs who are also interested in global affairs. The award provides up to $37,500 in tuition and provides internship placement in the US and overseas.
  • *Goldwater Scholarship   UTSA nominates 5 students each year to compete nationally for the Goldwater Scholarship, the nation's premier STEM award for undergraduates. Students must be in their 2nd or 3rd year at UTSA.
  • Hollings Undergraduate Scholarship  
  • The Hollings Scholarship Program provides successful undergraduate applicants with awards that include academic assistance (up to $9,500 per year) for two years of full-time study and a 10-week, full-time paid ($700/week) internship at a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Aadministration (NOAA) facility during the summer.

  • *National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU)

  • REU is an acronym for Research Experience for Undergraduates. These programs are funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and take place over the summer across universities campuses in the US.
  • Obama Chesky Voyager Scholarship for Public Service 
  • The Voyager Scholarship provides financial aid, travel opportunities, and connections to a network of leaders to students who want to go into public service.

  • PPIA - Junior Summer Institute and Public Service Weekends The Public Policy and International Affairs Program is an intensive seven-week Junior Summer Institute, providing students with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in graduate school and become future leaders. The organization also hosts public service weekend conferences throughout the US.
  • Serrano Educational Partnership Program with Minority Serving Institutions Scholarship Program  
  • The EPP/MSI Undergraduate Scholarship provides funds for two years of undergraduate study to rising junior undergraduate students majoring in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields that directly support the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Aadministration's (NOAA) mission. Participants conduct research at a NOAA facility during two paid summer internships. Since 2001, 240 students have completed the program and over 75% go on to graduate school.

  • *Truman Scholarship   Awards support future generations dedicated to public service leadership across academic disciplines and career trajectories. UTSA can nominate 4, 3rd-year students and an additional 3 transfer students. The foundation selects 55-65 students annually.
  • Udall Scholarship   Awards for students in their 2nd and 3rd year with demonstrated leadership or research related to the environment (broadly defined, any discipline) or to Native American nations.
  • *United Nations Association Millennium Fellowship   The Fellowship is a semester-long leadership development program where a team of UTSA students takes social impact to the next level. Students receive leadership training and networking connections as they develop a service project or advocacy campaign.
  • 8VC Fellowship   The 8VC Fellowship is a unique, immersive three-month internship program that places undergraduate students in contributing roles at some of the world's most innovative startups. Each 8VC Fellow will spend the summer in San Francisco as an intern at an 8VC portfolio startup company, working closely with world-class founders and engineers on meaningful technical problems.
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Featured Award: Gilman Scholarship for Study Abroad

The Gilman Scholarship provides Pell Grant recipients up to $5000 to study abroad. 26 UTSA students were awarded Gilman Scholarships in 2023

Featured Awards for Study Abroad, Research Abroad, and Foreign Language Learning